Rita Roma Founders
When It All Began

The First Spark

In a year marked by challenges and resilience, two souls found each other and fell in love. Inspired by their shared dreams and ambitions, they began laying the groundwork for a venture that would later come to life as Rita Roma.

A Year of Dedication

The Crucible of Innovation

2021 proved to be a year of intense focus and untiring commitment. The co-founders dedicated their time and energy to extensive research and development, perfecting their business plan, and laying the foundation for what would soon emerge as Rita Roma.

A Test of Persistence

Navigating the Ups and Downs

The journey through 2022 was challenging, marked by crucial decisions around distribution and logistics, bootstrapping, and coping with the inevitable fluctuations of a startup. Despite the trials, the founders never (well... almost never :) wavered in pursuing their vision.

2023 - March
Rita Roma shop
The Birth of Rita Roma

The Dawn of a New Chapter

March 2023 brought a wave of exhilaration. Rita Roma was officially christened, marking a significant milestone in the venture's journey. The company now boasted four dedicated founders, a small investment, a distinctive logo, unique designs, brand deals, and an almost-ready website - signs of the exciting times ahead.

2023 - May 23rd
The Big Day

Rita Roma Goes Live

On May 23rd, 2023, the months of tireless work, unyielding dedication, and relentless pursuit of a dream came to fruition as Rita Roma went live. A journey that started with two hearts aligned culminated in a venture ready to make its mark.